Once the materialities have been defined, actions that align with each priority or ESG factor should be identified.

Here are a few important points to keep in mind:

  1. Select actions that align with the company’s area of focus. ****The most impactful actions will be those that align with its mission and business model. Selecting such actions will help it avoid “nice to do” actions and concentrate on the ones that are truly business critical.
  2. Go for quality over quantity. A company will be better positioned to take action and succeed if it focuses on a few actions that are ambitious yet achievable and result in a bigger impact on the company and its stakeholders.
  3. Ensure that the defined actions are measurable. It is important to measure progress on actions with metrics that can be measured, and to determine who within the organization will be responsible for tracking this progress.
  4. Look beyond the tech sector for ideas and inspiration. While it’s important that a company look at what its peers are doing, it can also look at other sectors, verticals, and markets for new ideas.
  5. Track, and communicate, progress periodically. Develop a roadmap with a schedule for when progress will be tracked and keep stakeholders updated on progress. It’s important to keep in mind that different stakeholders require different forms of communication.

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